Well, I was going to resolve to lose weight this year...walk more...be healthier. But I resolve that every year and always break it! Maybe if I just say it is one of my GOALS I might do better. Have to wait and see. I am always so half-hearted about things like that. I love to eat and I don't love to exercise. I do love to walk my Daffy Dog but it has been so cold lately....(see what I mean? Excuses, excuses). But there are a few things I am passionate about resolving. Can't do it by myself. Well, can't do anything by myself for that matter. But I am rambling. I need God's help in 2010 to achieve my goals. And here they are:
1. I want to STUDY God's Word and not just read it. Even if it means I don't read through the Bible in a year. I want to take time and really study.
2. I want to HEAR Him when I pray and not just talk.
3. I want to be OBEDIENT when I know He is speaking to me.
4. I want to LOVE Him more.
5. I want to LOVE my neighbor as myself.
6. I want to be a better mamaw, step-mom, MIL, sister, friend, Christian.
7. I want for people to KNOW when they look at me that I have Jesus inside!!!
Please, if you read this, pray for me to reach my goals!