This is my Daffy dog whose name is Daphne. I tell her she is daffy dog and I am porky pig! She is the sweetest doggie and a wonderful comfort to me. When Tony died, Roger got me a little Yorkie puppie that I named Winston. Well, a couple of years after Roger died, Winston died! I said I would never have another dog but got so lonely that I started going to Petfinder.com until I saw her face and I had to adopt her. Don't know what I would do with out her. I rescued her from the Scott County Humane Society and she had a wonderful foster mommy and daddy that taught her alot of manners, but when she came to live with me she got spoiled and now she thinks she is the queen of the house! She is a mix of a Basenji which is a dog that does not bark and a terrier that barks incessantly. Guess which one she is most like? She loves for her voice to be heard! She loves to play and snuggle. Any one who is considering getting a dog should definately adopt! So many doggies are out there that just want to be loved and have so far been treated so badly. They are not perfect dogs, but neither are we perfect and Jesus loves us anyway!
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