Some days are a struggle for all of us. Unfortunately, not every day is sunshine and roses. But even on these off days, we need to be aware that the world is watching how we deal with the circumstances of life that sometimes make us want to lash out, give up, or just cry and go to bed. My pastor sends out email devotionals every day and this morning I am struggleing with some things that could bring me down if I let them. I choose to let this prayer that was in the devotional help me through this day. I want to share it with you:
"May I become through Thy help blameless, just, and holy. May I abstain from every evil, speak the truth, and do justly. May I walk in the straight paths, sing with temperance adorned with incorruption, beautiful through wisdom and prudence.
May I meditate upon the things that are above and despise what is earthly, for a man can hallow God's Name in no other way than by reflecting His character and bear witness to the fact that divine power is the cause of his goodness."
Gregory of Nyssa
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