Last week we had our spring revival at Bethel with Brother Scott Witcher and were very blessed to have the word of God preached straight and true! One night Brother Scott presented a slide show of his trip to Myanmar (Burma) with Brother Tony Horn who is a missionary in the Philippines and one of our dear brothers in Christ. Our children (CiA) were heartbroken to see all the people praying to thousands of different buddas at a temple there and they gave Brother Scott the money they had been saving to help him share the Word of God with them when he goes back to Myanmar. They are burdened for the people there to know and understand the the buddas do not hear their prayers! Only the Living God of the Bible can hear prayers! The Children in Action are such a blessing to me!
They are a blessing to me too!!! It is so important to teach the little ones how important missions are to this world.
AMEN! I tear up everytime I think how burdened they are for those people! They are such great little soldiers in God's army!!
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