Yesterday was the National Day of Prayer. "America's Hope" was the theme. So many people didn't even know what day it was. So many people knew it and didn't care. So many people NEVER pray! A group from my church went to the capital for the ceremony there. One of our children from church was asked to read a quote from one of our founding fathers. I didn't get to go because I had to work but I was told that even though there was a good group from our church there the total number of people attending was disappointing. I get discouraged about things like that. This morning when I was reading a devotional from Open Windows, my God was so good to give me a scripture to encourage me. I pray daily for our nation and our leaders and for revival to come to America...but even if we don't turn from our wicked ways, God's Word will still stand. God is still in control.
"Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words will by no means pass away." Mark 13:31
Praise Him!
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