It is natural for dogs & cats, and brothers & sisters to fight. It is natural when people see a newborn baby to say "Awww..". It is natural for ducks to swim and birds to fly. For rain to fall and smoke to rise.
It is not natural for a mother to bury a child...
Dear Tony,
I can't picture you at 35. You went to Heaven when you were 20, so I'm thinking that even though you are celebrating your birthday there, you're still 20 years old. I watch all of your friends growing up and getting married, having babies and I miss experiencing that with you. But I know without a doubt that your life in Heaven is so much better...God's word says, "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him."
1 Cor. 2:9
I'm here on earth celebrating your life in Heaven.
You are missed with tears but remembered with laughter.
Love Mom
Anthony Wayne Gadd
October 19, 1974 ~ March 25, 1995
1 comment:
It is hard to let go, but you are so right. I love your quote that says you are here on earth celebrating his life in Heaven!
When we get there this life will seem so very short compared to ETERNITY!!!! Praise God for the gift of that eternal life!!!
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