The youth minister at our church, Larry David, asked me back in Sept. to be part of a Family Group Bible Study with some of the college freshman girls. The leader of the Bible study is Ruthie, who is a sophomore and is part of the leadership team at Baptist Campus Ministry. The goal was to help the freshmen get used to campus and being away from home and staying in God's Word and was supposed to last only during the month of September. Well, most of the girls ended up coming to our church and we enjoyed our fellowship together so much that we decided to keep meeting. We drew names for Christmas and had dinner at Ruthie's dorm apartment and exchanged gifts. What a great time we had! Just see for yourself. Our group is Amanda, Tara, Kara, Cheyenne, Cathy, Ruthie, Mary, and ....and me!

I am so thankful to God for bringing these sweet girls into my life. Christmas is hard for me sometimes but this year thanks to my Family Group of college girls, I made new memories!
Such sweet girls and you are definitely one that they can look to for guidance! That is awesome Sheila! You're too cool :P
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