Monday, March 23, 2009

Life is Hard but GOD is Good!

Wednesday, March 25, will mark the 14 anniversary of my son Tony's death. I miss him so much but God has been so good to me and I have wonderful memories of him. I am blessed with those and with my family and church family at Bethel Baptist Church. I always put a memorial in the paper on Tony's birthday and on his death anniversary...this is what will be in the paper Wednesday.

October 19, 1974 - March 25, 1995

"Sometimes it seems like only yesterday that you were putting on that little league baseball uniform. You were the cutest thing! I remember when you were playing in High School, your nanny would give you money to hit a home run. When you came up to bat, your team mates would yell, "Make a living Tony!" I will never forget those wonderful years when you were my little boy. You are missed with tears, but remembered with laughter!"

Love, Mom

1 comment:

Jenn said...

We love you and are praying so hard for you this week.