I was just looking at Beth Moore's blog and she did a thank you post to her pastor. It inspired me to do a thank you post to my pastor. I love getting inspired and sometimes I know God inspires me through other Christians. That's what just happened with Beth Moore. God brought my own pastor to my mind and reminded me that I don't thank him enough. That I don't tell him how much he means to me and what a wonderful influence he has been in my life. So....
Dear Brother Kenny,
You are absolutely the most kind hearted and humble man I have ever known. But at the same time you very boldy stand up for your Christian values. You protect the pulpit at Bethel by only having men of God stand behind it. You are passionate about missions. You are passionate about seeing people saved. You are not afraid to do things differently even though "we've never done it that way before". You always encourage me when I am ready to give up. You have always been there for me when I needed a red bandana to blow my nose on. You have laughed with me and cried with me. You have many times been the source of my laughter. You are such a sweet big ol' hillbilly, with a wonderful sense of humor. I love a preacher that can preach the Word, but be funny at the same time. I believe God loves to hear us laugh. Not only do I love to hear you preach, but you have taught me so much over the years and I am thankful for that ability you have. I love that you love people. You are my spiritual hero...(so superman has more hair, you are a REAL hero). Thank you!
Love in Christ
PS The cute guy in the picture with him is our associate and youth pastor Larry David. I love you too David and my next letter will be to you!
Praise God for men like Bro. Kenny!!! I have never had a pastor like him that is for sure :) He is so compassionate and encouraging!
Amen, Ms. Shelia, Amen....He is that and a whole lot more to alot of people that don't even live in Kentucky.....May God richly bless Him and ya'll....Love ya'll
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