I really do love rainy days. At least I love rainy days when I am indoors. When me and Peggy and the guys took our Disaster Relief chain saw training, it was a very rainy, cold day and we got soaked to the bone! But today it's raining and I am at work sitting here with not much to do until the ad reps start turning in the real estate ads. So I thought I would blog. I would really like to be home with Daffy dog, just relaxing. :-) But blogging is good too. When I am not busy at work I start thinking about my Lord Jesus and how blessed I am. I am so thankful to Him for my salvation! I am thankful for my family and church family and my family in Heaven. I am SO thankful for my grandchildren and how thoughts of them can make my day seem sunny even when it's raining! My grandson Aaron spent the night with me a couple of weeks ago. Not long after his bike wreck that scared us all to death! So I took him shopping for a bicycle helmet. Of course we had to go to the arcade and we played miniature golf. My oldest grandson Tyler is getting so tall and handsome. I think he could be a model. What do you think? I am also thankful for the opportunities God gives me to serve Him by serving others, which is why we took the chain saw training. Yes, I know I am rambling back and forth but after all...it is a rainy day and my thoughts are running rampant. So I'll stop now and just post some pictures. Thank you God for rainy days.
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