Well, most people know I am silly. So it will come as no suprise to know that I name things. Like the mole that is tearing my back yard up. I named him Landen. I dreamed about the mole one night and in my dream his name was Landen. Or her name was Landen. Anyway...back in the spring, this frog showed up on my back porch. We had a very wet spring and here was this frog on my back porch every time I let Daffy out to do her business. Just sitting on my back porch. Daffy wanted to eat it. Only natural being a dog and all. But of course I wouldn't let her. She would chase the frog off the porch and he (or she) would get under the day lilly that is right beside the back door. Hiding. Thinking Daffy dog would not find him (or her). Of course, every time Daffy went out she would look for the frog, find it and want to eat it. So I started telling her that she couldn't eat the frog because it was her pet frog Fred. Of course she believed me...she believes everything I tell her. So she stopped trying to eat Fred, just wanted to find him (or her) every time she went out. If Fred wasn't around it would worry her to death. Fred went missing one day after a bad storm we had and Daffy almost lost her mind! Worried so much about him (or her). Then, one beautiful day Fred came home. How did I know it was Fred you may ask? Well, it looked just like him (or her)! Stay tuned, there are many more stories about Fred the Frog to come!
1 comment:
You crack me up :D We have a tendancy to name every creature also! Well, except the ones that eat our chickens....we'll just call them "EVIL"!!!
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